Garden Tools


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Garden Accessories

  • obelisk trellis for tomato

    Obelisk Trellis - 6.3'

    Metal obelisk trellis for tomato, peas, cucumber, pole beans, climbing flowers, dahlias. I like this budget friendly obelisk because it is sturdy, and large enough to accommodate a prolific cherry tomato plants. Diameter is 15”. Tips on how to prune tomato when using this trellis (video).

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  • titan tomato cage obelisk trellis

    Titan Tomato Tall Cages - 80"

    Comes in sets of 3. These are tall and have a 19” diameter. LOVE THIS. Very architectural and can support a tall and very robust tomato plants and peas.

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  • vegega metal raised bed

    Vegega Corrugated Metal Raised Beds

    CODE: BG10 for 10% off your purchase.
    Go to product details for options.
    (assembly video)

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  • plant sun shade fabric net

    40% Shade Cloth (black)

    Protect the plants from hot Summer sun with 40% shade cloth fabric. Cut it to the size you need. To finish the cut edges, fold it twice and staple or use shade cloth clips.

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  • shade fabric net cloth plastic clips

    Shade Cloth Clips

    Handy clips to secure the edges of shade cloth.

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  • tomato plant clip

    Clips for Tomato or Vining Plants

    Clips to secure vines to trellis without damaging the plants.

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